Don't be an A$$

Don’t be an A$$

There is no greater enemy
Than our own self doubt.
There is no greater oppressor
Than our own self judgement.
There is is no greater abuser
Than our own backhanded
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“I’m just joking,”
You say…
But your inner child
Is too young
To understand that
Or sarcasm
They just take it
As fact,
You think so little
Of them
Of you
There is no difference.

Some part of us wants
To just keep us “Safe”
But that extreme sense
Of safety can be lethal.
In fact,
It’s killing us,
Slowly like cancer.
For some of us
It is literally cancer.
The bitterness we have held
Onto for so long
Has transformed from
Thoughts into matter
And yet we still
Complain how powerless
We are when we
Are wizards
Who just made matter
Out of thin air.

I thought I was
So smart
So wise
I had outwitted
My ego.
I was so wrong.
Because the ego
Can never be
It must be watched
Observed like a wild animal
It takes time to
Befriend, and
Never turn your back
On the ocean
Never turn your back
On a wild animal
Because it can
Never lose its
True nature.

And so as I walked
Down the road
Dragging my own A$$ (mule)
Who was unmoved by
My little stick
My pleading
My bargaining
A monk walked by
Smiled and said
“Relax, open up,
Enjoy the day.
She can’t stay there
So I quit resisting
My A$$es resistance
I went in the shade
And enjoyed the
Good weather,
And pulled out a carrot
Then got up and started walking
And when I turned around
I found her following me.

I was judging her
Rather than accepting
Her nature
And using that
To motivate action.

Where in life is that
True for all of us?

Vinegar vs.honey.
Sticks vs. carrots.
Punishment vs. reward.

I had been focusing
On the problem,
Not the solution.

Where is that true
For all of us?

Punishment is a contraction of energy.
Reward is an expansion of energy.
Follow this further
Down the rabbit hole.

Reward is love.
Boundaries are love.
The answer is love.
Love is patient.
Love is kind.

I had been unkind
To myself.

I am grateful
For the monk
Who showed me
How to experience love
Without directly
Telling me the answer.
He was kind.
He gently led me.
He was loving.
Now so am I
With myself.

Thank you.

Perhaps this little
Poem has also
Led you somewhere
Back to yourself

As Ellen says,
Be kind to one another,
And I shall add,
This means to yourself

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Don`t be an A$$

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